

その社会づくりの⼀環として、現在、「教育」をテーマとする社会貢献活動にも積極的に取り組んでいます(⼀般社団法⼈green4(代表理事:鈴⽊圭介)が主体となって活動)。 今私たちにできることから、⼀歩ずつ踏み出しています。

Bringing plants into your life and the lifestyle that you feel closer to nature in is sure to enrich your heart.

You might feel the change of the seasons that you never paid attention to before. You would look up at the sky that you’ve rarely done before, or you might want to keep your own time to face yourself. soil proposes such time and space through landscape designing. Creating an opportunity to “enrich mind” is the origin of soil.

soil originally means the surface material that covers most land. Through garden designing, we hope to be like the "soil" that cultivates and enrich your lifestyle and our society.

As part of our efforts to create a prosperous society, we are currently actively engaged in social contribution activities under the theme of "education”. (This activity is mainly led by a general incorporated association, green4 (Representative Director: Keisuke Suzuki)). We are taking steps forward from what we can do now.